
Total Craigroyston Festival
Saturday 2nd June

An open public event to give your comments on Craigroyston, your vision for the future and what you can bring to the area.  Snook will be in the Muirhouse shopping centre/library entrance inviting you to comment.

Co-creation Workshop: Friday 8th June, 10am – 4pm, North Edinburgh Arts centre

Co-creation workshop is bringing together people from Craigroyston, both organisations and members of the public to develop ideas generated in the Design day.  This session will be about putting ‘meat on the bones’ of the ideas.  We will be asking questions like who can deliver this, what does this idea look like, when will it run and who will use it?  We will be looking at people in the room to get behind ideas and put their names to themes they are interested in. We will focus in on the route map for the future and discuss/plan how we can make small interventions for the next Prototyping Lab/Showcase to show the power of the Total Craigroyston community.

Prototyping Labs/Showcase: 18th June, 10am – 4pm, tbc

The prototyping labs should be attended by individuals/groups who have been involved in the project to this date or express a keen interest in attending.  We are looking for a cross diagonal slice of leaders/organisations/frontline staff/families/young people/experts.  During this workshop we want to bring the ideas to life that have been generated by the community and check in on the routemap for the future of Craigroyston.