About Total Craigroyston

Total Craigroyston has been established to improve outcomes for children and families in the neighbourhood around Craigroyston Community High School. Our initial focus will be on looked after children to ensure that all necessary support has been identified to ensure that they have the best opportunity to succeed in their lives. We will also be working to reduce the need for children to become looked after, and that means finding ways to offer support at an earlier stage and in a variety of ways.

The idea is to take a holistic approach – ensuring that all of the local resources in both the statutory and the voluntary sectors are on the same page, facing the same direction and contributing to the agreed outcomes. Crucially, people who are using services and those who live in the area will be involved in deciding what is required and contributing ideas about where and how it should be delivered. Local staff who know the community, its strengths and challenges, will be also central to the development.

It is important to think of Total Craigroyston as an approach rather than a project! We know there is lots of excellent work going on in the area and we will build on that. However we must be brave enough to acknowledge that there is duplication within the system. When necessary, removing this duplication will allow us to re-invest those resources in services that can be offered earlier to prevent the need for children to become looked after in the first place. To us this means building on community strengths, engaging earlier and more effectively with service users, doing more preventive work, creating better linkages between partners, improving communication and developing parity of esteem between organisations – among other things!

With the help of Snook we have heard from a number of local people and staff who use and deliver services in the area. The comments, suggestions and ideas that we have heard form the Road Map for how local people want to see the outcomes of Total Craigroyston achieved. From now on the work of Total Craigroyston will be to use the Road Map to direct how things move forward across public service, the voluntary sector and the community as a whole.
It is important that people within the local community and the staff who deliver services continue to be involved in the designing of and discussion on the services they use.  The actions in the Road Map are therefore about how to make more open communication easier and to provide opportunities to learn about what works in the provision of services for the local community.
The Total Craigroyston team is made up of staff from a number of different areas – Community Learning and Development, Housing and Regenerations, NHS, Police and Muirhouse Link Up.

We are based at the local neighbourhood Office in 9 West Pilton Gardens.

Tel no 529 5050.
Email Christine.mackay@edinburgh.gov.uk. Please contact us if you’d like more information.

Christine Mackay: Manager, Total Craigroyston