Developing the Total Craigroyston Route Map

Since May 10th the Total Craigroyston Team and Snook have been meeting with people in a mixture of different contexts to listen to what they have to say about improving outcomes for children and families.  [See some of the other posts in the Blog about specific events.]

It has been exciting to see the positive engagement that everyone has had in this process:

  • In the first week Sarah and Keira from Snook met with 7 groups of staff and 12 groups of people that use services in the area.
  • During the larger events that have been held we have spoken to around 77 people who live in the area and use local services, and approximately 63 people who deliver services in the area.  Older people, younger people and people from the local BME community have met together as well as attended the other events.

These events have:

  • Given the Total Craigroyston team a lot of good ideas about what already works well, about how to improve services and for helping to build a stronger community
  • Allowed people from across a range of different services and circumstances to speak to one another about improving services in the local community.
  • Shown all involved that there is a great amount of investment and willingness, particularly amongst local people, to ‘go for it’ with Total Craigroyston.

A report and a route map are now being prepared and will be made available for all to see.  The route map is a guide to the several key themes identified from what people have said about how the aims of Total Craigroyston initiative will be achieved.

The Total Craigroyston team wants to keep hearing from people who live and deliver services in the area – ideas, suggestions, comments, offers of help, … So please use this site or contact

– Tim Packer /